I don't know how much or which version or anything but from what she said, she has seen it and I am loving the bits she is giving.
Today she mentioned it further in her weely live blog.
Lainey Gossip writes:
Lainey: Breaking Dawn script details - Spoiler alert, look away if you can't deal. Bella has the baby and drops dead. The Jacob is all sad and leaves. Then he comes back to kill the Evil Thing. Then he lays eyes on it. You see it through his eyes like tunnel vision - she's 2, she's 4, she's 9, she's a teen, she's a woman, and that's when he falls in love. It actually doesn't read creepy at all. It reads not bad. Because ANYTHING IS AN IMPROVEMENT ON STEPHENIE MEYER.
Then Edward's all sad because Bella dies. And he hears Jacob's thoughts. And he beats the sh-t out of Jacob. Jacob doesn't fight back because he's a weak and sh-t from imprinting.
(fans freak over "Bella dying" um have you read the book?)
she dies as a human. Then at the end of the movie, you feel her suffering and the burning and smash to her eyes, they open red. Credits. Then at the end of the credits.. Volturi Scene. Michael Sheen's character, I cant remember his name, gets word that Bella is a vampire and he's all like - I want her. Then it's over.
[Via Lainey Gossip]
ooh, interesting! i hated BD the most out of the 4 books. but now i totally want to see it in the theatres! brazil! isle esme scenes! and feathers (there better be) and to see rob doing that cannonball!