Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Glee: Gwyneth Paltrow

Loved it.

Did you see it yet?

She was awesome as a substitute teacher.

The mini glee's were adorable also:

The mash up at the end rocked my world - so much fun!

There was so much goodness, I will cheat and post e online amazing summary...


The Best Way to Start an Episode: Glee just starts off better when it begins with a Sue/Will showdown, don't you think? We're also happy to hear Sue claim her friendship with the Schue "got boring." We agree. The hair jokes are back, ya'll!

Vintage Glee Is Awesome Glee: We love when the show seems to poke fun at itself. All of the jokes about "Journey songs we haven't done yet" were spot on and just awesome. Plus, we got the return of character inner monologues and Sue's diary! This is us scribbling "OUTSTANDING" in our journals. And underlining it.

Fox Broadcasting Speaking of Old-School Glee: We were treated (tortured?) by an appearance from Crazy Terri. While we welcome back Jessalyn Gilsig with open arms, we do not approve of the ex Mrs. Schuester's seductions via vapor rub. May phlegm fill your sinuses for that move, lady!

We Need a Word for Love Triangle Plus Two: Love rhombus? The addition of Holly and Terri just complicates the already complicated Will-Emma-Carl debacle. There were some sparks between our Glee club leader and the hot substitute, who apparently has a heartbroken fiancé somewhere. Bet he's coming back. And the other kind of sparks between Terri and Holly? Brutal, especially when the "I'm never coming back" speech from the off balance ex-wife followed it.

Will and Mike Chang Make an Awesome Duo: Who knew? I guess Ryan Murphy did, because the "Make 'Em Laugh" number was a huge highlight. No easy feat, considering this was an episode full of stellar scenes. We do not mind at all if they do another number together soon. We also don't mind Matt Morrison rocking the scruffy look while he was sick.

Kurt and Blaine Might Be on the Way to Couple Kingdom: At least, we hope so. It's pretty obvious that the world became obsessed with Darren Criss' character pretty much from the very first note of "Teenage Dream," and we hope that seeing Kurt smiling and acting like himself with someone he cares about brings even more Blaine-Kurt shippers. But the cutesy dinner at Breadstix (where else?) was nicely broken up with Mercedes' hallucination. Sometimes little accessories fall out of our mouths, too. Mostly teeny-tiny shoes, though.

Glee Was Just Not Messing Around Tonight: Death threats? Tot cravings? Chicago numbers? The writers of Glee sure threw a lot at us (too many funny quotes makes our brains explode), and ending it with that killer "Umbrella-Singin' In the Rain" mashup was a nice coast to the end. But the most important thing to take away from this episode...Sue is principal?! Oh, yeah. That. Just. Happened.

[e online]

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