Saturday, December 11, 2010

Viral Marketing win for Twilight Saga

In this day of online marketing, twitter, social networking, viral marketing and more... this informationis interesting to explore.

Twilight Lexicon writes:

Every week, the Ad Age Viral Video Chart presents the top 10 most-viewed brand-driven videos on the web with one major caveat: There are no movie or video-game trailers included in the findings. Why? Well, it’s not really a fair fight. Put it this way: Old Spice guy Isaiah Mustafa — even with all his talent and outstanding physique — would barely have a chance.

Movie and video-game trailers are very different in the way they’re shared on the web. For one, both game and movie trailers are snippets of the franchises themselves, such as “Harry Potter” and “Call of Duty,” familiar content that’s more readily shared, so it’s inherently easier for those kind of ads to rise to the top. Plus, movie and gaming marketers out-spend brand marketers exponentially in the weeks and days leading up to their releases, so the number of paid impressions far outweighs any organic view of a viral commercial.

So what would the viral chart look like if we included movies and video games? We asked Visible Measures to help us find out, by including the entertainment category in the numbers, and the results were a bit staggering. Without movies or video games, Visible Measures’ top 10 Viral Video Ads would have only amassed a combined view count of 320 million views for the year. But with them, the total view count tops more than 1.1 billion views. The only “social ad” to make the top 10 was Old Spice’s “Responses” campaign — and that’s just barely there, at No. 10. The rest of the chart is dominated by seven movies and two video games, led by the trailer for “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.”

So when it comes to viral ads, even Isaiah Mustafa is no match for Edward Cullen — “Eclipse” scored more than triple the views of Old Spice’s aggregate campaign in July, 220.19 million vs. 68.74 million, respectively.

While trailers for some of the year’s biggest blockbusters should come as no surprise (“Toy Story 3,” “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1,” “Alice in Wonderland” and “Iron Man 2″ all round out the top 10), there are a few unexpected appearances. No. 2, for example, is Sony’s “The Karate Kid,” a breakout box office hit this summer (more than $176 million in grosses) but hardly a $300 million-plus franchise tentpole, either. Perhaps most astonishing is the No. 3 appearance of Disney’s “Step Up 3D,” which has racked up more than 138 million trailer views yet managed only $42 million in ticket receipts — proof that YouTube views don’t always translate to sales.

Elsewhere, Treyarch’s “Call of Duty: Black Ops” leads the video-game category at No. 5 with more than 110 million views, while Bungie’s “Halo: Reach” trails closely behind at No. 8 with 74.4 million views. Although gaming trailers generate lots of views in the pre-release stages, the real traffic comes from the days and weeks after their initial release, when user-generated game-play and how-to videos are uploaded and shared like wildfire among gamers. Visible Measures includes these aggregate clips in each title’s total view counts.

Although there’s still three weeks left in the year, expect few changes to the chart before 2010 comes to a close. Both movie and video-game trailers receive the highest volume of views in the week leading up to the title’s release, so the figures are fairly front-loaded. However, there’s still time for one major holiday release (“Tron: Legacy,” perhaps?) to sneak in. But perhaps the real question is which brands will crack next year’s top 10, and who will be the Isaiah Mustafa of 2011? You’ve got 12 months and at least 68 million views to prove yourselves, marketers.

[Source: Ad Age via Twilight Lexicon]

Friday, December 10, 2010

Update on Breaking Dawn Filming

Puzzle pieces come together through all the technology and communication. Twitter is especially telling... yay for the internet.

I am grateful also to the people who send me updates since I can not be in Louisiana myself.

This week had some filming in Baton Rouge after some weekend shots in New Orleans.

My friend went to Arsenal Park in Baton Rouge the other day to see filming (non-Edward/Bella shots) and I am awaiting some photos of that.

Additionally I am told Kristen & Rob had a couple days off this week (maybe since she shot over the weekend? also scheduled scenes without them as we know there were volturi in town)

Seems yesterday they did some shots with Kristen being ill....

Also this week there were some shots of the Happy family; Renesme, Edward and Bella together sharing family moments...

This is all so exciting...

I hope to have photos for you next week from Louisiana as well as some local stuff if I have time over the weekend

NKOTBSB Vancuver Concert Tix

I just got my tickets for NKOTBSB in Vancouver.


I am totally fangirling at work right now

Sam Bradley Show Tonight in Vancouver

It was ladies night and we enjoyed ourselves.

The very talented Sam Bradley performed his last show of the tour in him (now) hometown. His mom, family and friends were in the audience.

Sam did a great show and was as adorably endearing as always. I would have liked a longer set and a few favourites to be played but overall it was a great show!

After we were heading out and Sam walked by, I told him I didn't have time to stay but wanted a wuick pic, he oblinged and we chatted. I gave him hello's from various friends (Melinda, Carmen, E/K, yes you!) I got a pic of Lorabell from TwiCrackAddict "pinching" his bum as per Carmen's request ;) too cute!

Those pics and more on facebook.... Videos Soon!

Facebook is being slow and silly but you can check the entire album HERE!!!!!!!

Be sure to add me on facebook if you haven't I have lot's of albums you may like.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

More Breaking Dawn Updates

Today and possibly tomorrow, they are filming without "Bella" and "Edward" in Baton Rouge.

I have a friend going by the set to take photos, which I will share with you here once I get them in my inbox.

I did post earlier that they filmed this weekend. The scenes involved J. Jenks & Bella Cullen meeting to get documents in order.

I also got some awesome local Breaking Dawn news that I am going to follow up on. I hope to bring you some updates (and photos) on that soon.

I am getting really excited again... I love hearing about filming, even though it is not in Vancouver as much as before, it is still awesome to hear (and see) what is going on with filming in Louisiana.

Stay Tuned in upcoming weeks for more updates. I will post them as I get them.


Breaking Dawn Scene filmed over the weekend

I think the Jenks character is unneccessary in Breaking Dawn.... and I kind of hoped they'd take it out of movie completely- - just me?

My one issue with BD was always that they build up this whole fight, potential loss of lives, etc. then.... "oh, there are other half vampires, oh, ok"

Anyways, there are reports that the scene where Bella gets I.D and documents from Jenks was filmed over the weekend at a NOLA Resturant.

This is in fact true...

but there are some things that should be clarified...

TwiFans posts:

A fan posted on facebook that Kristen Stewart (Bella) was seen filming in a restaurant in New Orleans for a Breaking Dawn scene between Bella & J. Jenks. Remember this is NOT confirmed. Take it with a gran of salt.

I did confirm from reliable sources that this scene was filmed, however, I am told the resturant used was in fact Domenica and not other popular New Orleans Resturants previously speculated.

Here are photos from Domenica:

Mandy's Mind - I still don't think this subplot is neccessary to the movie, but it was in the book so here you go - - - filmed for the movie over the weekend in New Orleans... exciting non?

We still do not know who was cast as J. Jenks.

Twilight Lexicon narrowed it down to one of these two guys:

-Ty Olsson
-Wendell Pierce

Both look like they could do the part. Ty has that suspicious look, while Wendell has more of that paper-pusher look. In my opinion either would be pretty good thoughts?

New Bel Ami Stills

Here are two stills from Bel Ami. I am loving the costumes!

[Via TwiFans]

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Very Glee Christmas

Tonight's Christmas Glee was amazing!

I especially loved Darren Criss & Chris Colfer's "Baby It's Cold Outside"

Christ Colfer wrote and will star in a movie set to film next summer.... Struck by Lightning. Could be cool.


Will: I thought you hated the holidays.
Sue: No, I just hate you.

Sue: I thought you might wanna put us all out of our misery and shave off that Chia Pet. - to Will after giving him clippers for Xmas.

Artie: "I told my parents I only want one thing for Christmas this year: stop friending me on facebook"

B: "Get a good night's rest, Ken, you're going to need it. Barbie took the early flight from Tampa."

B: "Last year I left my stocking up over Christmas vacation, and an entire family of mice started living in it. Their Christmas gift to each other was rabies."

Rachel: "I'm very specific when I give a gift. You don't know how many kittens I've given away just because they weren't right."

Lauren: "I would like Puckerman to love me. He's a fox. I would also like sweet potato fries."

Mike: "I want Channing Tatum to stop being in stuff."

The Dilemma Trailer

I just love Channing Tatum... rawr!

When will he come film in Vancouver so I can hang out with him (slash set-stalk)

This movie looks pretty good, I love Kevin James and Vince Vaughn

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Monday

I spent the weekend wrapping presents, watching the complete first season of Dexter and in an |Eclipse induced coma of special features, commentaries and so on....

Overall a weekend WIN except that last night my kitchen flooded. I live on the bottom floor of our condo's and the building pipe clogged apparently and we were the first opening the overflowing water could find - - - joyous!

So despite a restful and relaxing weekend my Sunday evening/Monday morning has been CRAPPY!

But that is ok - - this week is filled with Holiday Dinner Parties, Sam Bradley on Thursday and my best friend's birthday Friday as well as other friend's birthdays and holiday parties on Saturday. I now have a total of 8 shin dig's I hope to pop into over the weekend - wish me luck!

This week:

I will be posting daily on any new and exciting news in Twilight, Reality TV and gene3ral pop culture fun that interests me....

I will be live tweeting from Sam Bradley's Concert in Vancouver on Thursday.

I will also be drinking an obscene amount of alcohol since I hacve been lacking lately.

Check back often to join in the fun!


********* SCROLL DOWN FOR NEW POSTS ***************

New/Old Video "Are we in the wrong car?" Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart leave New Moon Cast Party in Vancouver

I was there when this happened, you can hear my obnoxious and nervous laugh at the start.

Here is my post from that night LOL

Forgive the formatting and lengthy text, it was imported from livejournal where I used to post and is not very pretty ha ha.

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart leave Twilight cast dinner from @lightboxgallery on Vimeo.

5476 Eclipse Screen Caps what?

Twifans linked to these wonderful HQ screencaps.

Just go see for yourself!

Rob's Ex Nina Schubert mentions him in interview

Nina Schubert says:

My ideal guys have been there, but when I didn’t realise it. I find myself attracted to people who might not be ideal for my personality. I love Jeff Bridges. When I go out with guys I always imagine them 30 years down their life. Like Peter, he’s going to be a great man. And like Rob, Rob will be a great dad. He's very talented. Eventually he’ll be a writer.

Me: Really?
N: Yeah, he’ll write films and plays.

Me: Not music?

N: Yeah that too, but he’ll write.

Read the rest here

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Eclipse DVD Coma

Who spent the day in an Eclipse Coma?

Who went to a party last night? There wasn't any locally, and I was tired so I went today and got my dvd.... at Best Buy... and then ended up spending several hundred dollars MORE on Xmas gifts... ah well!

Here is Tinsel Korey at a release party in LA at Blockbuster:

She is so awesome. Check her out Here singing.

So anyone else have some cool midnight release party experiences?

TwiFans is doing a contest to see who had the best Eclipse Party.

If you are living under a rock or haven't got yours yet... here are some things to check out in the mean time.

TwiFans has all the photos from the gallery.

Also Twilight Lexicon has posted a price chart, though it is not entirely accurate as some places have sales or specials (I got mine at Best Buy for $14.99 Canadian and SuperStore had it for $14.93 no taxes) so check around if you haven't got yours yet.

Now, I am going to bed so I can wake up and watch more Eclipse tee hee

I also rented the complete first season of Dexter.... I have been wanting to watch it for ever!!

Vote - Its on my Mind - Grant for a Great Cause

Chaske Spencer (AKA Sam Uley) along with some other celebrities like Brittany Snow & Drew Seeley have partnered with the JED foundation to draw awareness to depression and suicide prevention. They need YOUR VOTE to win a Pepsi Refresh Challenge Grant. Go here to vote! This is a great cause! Get all your friends to vote too!


Tinsel Korey performs "The Letter"

@tinselkorey performs at Arbor Live. She is so talented, I can't wait to hear more from her. Many of us got to hear her perform at the Eclipse Convention in June in L.A. She is so gracious and kind!! I adore her!