Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday Set Report

They did a brief shoot at Bella's house late afternoon. A few fans were there and one emailed me to say Taylor and Kristen were there. It is my undersatnding that Rob may have been there also, though I can't confirm.

See Photos of Bella's House Today Here

The other day when they were at Bella's house filming "Edward was yelling at Jacob for kissing Bella" and after about 15 takes they wrapped.

Feels like a lot of odds and ends along with re-shoots and stunt work this week.

Last Night's Set was a new location while Monday's Set was more of past sets.

Trailors and vehicles were seen again today going into the private property near Jacob's House presumably to re-shoot and finish up a few more of the battle scenes.

Tonight is an over night shoot. I am really tired and likely not going but I will report more on this over night shoot tomorrow as it is an exciting one.

Tomorrow and Friday include some new locations and some repeated old ones. I will go to at least one of those sets, provided I am not as tired as I feel tonight. I want to get some photos of one of this weeks upcoming sets because I think it will be visually great on film....

Thanks for Reading... I haven't been able to actually go OUT to as many sets recently, but I will still give you as much info as I can after each set wraps and if I go or get photos emailed to me I promise to post them to feed your addiction ;)

Thanks for Reading.


  1. Thanks! YAY! Edward yelling at Jacob scene, this is one of the scenes that I can't wait to see. So excited!

  2. I am addicted to see your news here. You do what I always wanted to do, but sorry that I live far, far away.
    I live in Brazil and I tell you I love your blog! Unbelievable! Thank you for your constant assistance.

  3. I'm excited that they filmed that scene of Edward yelling at Jacob. I love that part in the book. I hope the dialouge is exactly like the book.
