Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday's Set Report

This morning I got an email from a fan who spotted trailors and set up at a local ship yard. It was my day off and I had plans to buy the New Moon Companion and run errands so I hadn't even looked into set info for today. I assumed it was something else, as usually the emails I get are and went about my day.

I knew from David Slades Tweet:
Nervous morning, I know I should be sleeping, night shoot later, I feel like a marathon runner, but I don't look like one.

That it would be a night shoot so I went about my day without a thought to the where, what, when of the set.

After dinner I watched some tv and a friend of mine wanted to go for a drive and catch up so I asked if she wanted to check out this ship yard, she agreed. I emailed back the fan who had given me the ship yard tip and she said she had been by and was the only one and that there wasn't too much to see as they'd screened it all up.

My friend and I were going for a drive anyways so we thought, what the heck. We drove by and knew instantly this was def. a set.... but was it neccessarily Eclipse? There are, afterall, several tv shows, mini series and other movies filming locally.

We drove by the circus and saw familiar trailors and at the set entrance there were 3 familiar P.A's

Deffo Twilight Eclipse.

We went down to the public dock and could see a bit of the lights and people but not much.

I am not even tagging these photos because there isn't much to see and I trust anyone who uses them will link back to this blog.

We could hear some of the calls from prducers or directors but nothing from actors or anything.

We drove around to the other side and there was actually a giant light set up ACROSS the water from the set.

Again, from here we could see very little. The bright lights really meant no deatils could be picked up on my lil camera. From this vantage point we could see more of the set unobstructed, but hear less and still not enough to make sense of anything.

It is a shipyard. It is industrial looking and on the water. This reminds me of Seattle very much so my assumption would be newborn stuff. Riley, Victoria, maybe Bree?

What do you think?

I am fairly certain it is Seattle and New Borny Stuff....

Katina (the fan who went by set in the daytime) posted some pics and her theories here

Also this evening there was some re-shoots and whatnot in the forest where the battle was. This is private property so i can't confirm if or what they filmed or who was on set, only that trailors were spotted and vans going to and from the circus / private property gated road.

More this week... I will be able to get to at least one more set this week I hope and the others I know someone who will be going :-)

Thanks for reading.


Nancy said...

Thanks for the update!


Gracias .... es impresionante ........ todos!

The Johannesen said...

From what I heard it is exactly as you said: Newborn and Riley stuff, I believe he passes Bella's shirt around for them to smell (exciting!). And I also heard reshoots and some shots with Ashley and Jackson at the forest set.