Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Some don't like that Twilight Vampires Sparkle

It is unlike any other vampire story... vampires that sparkle... what do you think?

NewMoonMovie Posted:

Ah, the super talented Todd Masters. A man who obviously is ahead of his time in the world of character effects, I mean look at his work! Masters FX is Todd’s 22-year-old Los Angeles-based company, but Todd isn’t exactly feeling the whole “vampires who sparkle” thing.

“We’re not really into the whole sparkly vampire thing,” said Masters, a graduate of Sammamish High School who grew up in Lake Hills. “Vampires don’t sparkle.”

Among the company’s contributions to “New Moon” were wounds, scars, the tattoos worn by the wolf-morphing Quileute characters and one very graphic — and very sparkly — vampire death.

[Mandy's Note - So is he responsible for the wonky nipple??? ]

But alas — little to no blood.

“They don’t bleed,” said Masters. “They just sparkle.”

As you can probably guess, Masters is not a fan of Stephenie Meyer’s book series and doubts he’ll become one.

Ouch! Not a fan? Oh well, we can’t win them all folks. But you simply can’t ignore the massive and undeniable talent that Mr. Masters has, I mean his work is absolutely magnificent, maybe we will win him over…one day?

Masters, has also worked on several blockbuster smashes like, ”Nightmare on Elm Street and the very popular shows “Vampire Diaries” and “True Blood.”

Check out the very interesting story at SeattlePi, and check out 5 pics of Todd’s fascinating New Moon work, including the infamous Quileute tattoo, here.

So the whole “I love boys who sparkle” debate. I think it’s cute and innocent, although the only one we’ve seen sparkle is my beloved Edward. It would be nice to see them all bling out if even for a second. As far as the blood and gore goes, I’m not into the whole bloody mess of it all. I do enjoy True Blood as well as Vampire Diaries(that Stefan…woohoo!) but I like the lightness of The Twilight Saga better, where the violence & blood is kept down to a minimum. So how do you feel about the whole sparkle vs blood debate? And also vampires are dead, are they even able to bleed? Hmmm..

[Mandy's Mind - Well, my husband didn't like that the wolves were so big, I said to him "that isn't the movie that is the books, that is Stephenie Meyer, they were just making the movie how Stephenie wrote the books and I love it that way... the teen wolf look has been done, little wolves wouldn't have the same effect, it's perfect this way.

Similarly, sparkling vampires... well... it *IS* weird as far as vampire folklore goes, but it is what makes the stories unique and I like the sparkling.... ok, I didn't in the beginning and I still laugh at jokes (such as Damon sayingreal vampires burn in the sun on vampire Diaries) but overall, it is fitting with Twilight which is not so much about scary, gorey vamps as it is about eternal love and sparkles seem more fitting with love than burning flesh... non? ]

Do you like the sparkle?

1 comment:

  1. I do like the sparkle... but I think it does take away from the um... definition of ones said ab's a bit haha
