Monday, May 17, 2010

Official Twilight Convention - Vancouver's Friday Report

What an amazing weekend. Action packed with Celebrities, Twilight Fans and so many great people. I will start with Friday's Report and try to get through the whole weekend (including photos and interviews) by tonight...

I tweeted all weekend so feel free to scroll through my feed to read, but I will include a summary here for each session as well as photos and other bits I may have not tweeted. Also my tweeted photos are here.

We arrived Friday afternoon and registered at the front desk. Different coloured wristbands and passes were issued for different packages.

Immediately we went into the vendors room and saw tables of Twilight merchandise. There were glossy photos for as low as $5 as well as all the t-shirts, make-up, bags, lunch kits, water bottles and other merchandise you can imagine.

Hillywood opened the weekend as our hosts and they did a great job. I love how they take scenes from the movies and relate them to the guest who will appear on stage. It is difficult to explain but it is very clever and something that will have you laughing before your favourite celebrity even hits the stage.

They also show their awesome paradoy of Twilight and New Moon and have a table of merchandise in the vendors room along with photo ops which you will want to get done. They do a fabulous job hosting and mingling with the fans.

Bronson Pelletier was the first guest and he came out to do fans Questions & Answers. If you go to a convention be sure to fill out and submit questions for each guest.

It's really neat because Hillywood reads your questions to the celebrity and calls your name and seat number. Sometimes you even get to ask the question yourself!

Here's a summary of the Q&A with Bronson

Here's a summary of the Q&A with Kiowa

They also had a trivia contest where fans were chosen to stand on stage and answer Yes/No Questions about Twilight. The winner got a vampire make-over and a seat at the Volturi Ball in the Vampire Court (which I will blog more about later but they got to dance with one of the celebrities)

Twilight Lexicon did a great talk on The Real Forks including video of the town and answering questions about the town that Stephenie used as inspiration for her books.

The day is action packed, there are always always something going on. Photo Op's in with a professional photographer who gives you a glossy print and a digital copy, autograph sessions with the celebs where you can bring something to sign or buy something to have signed, videos of Hillywood, Past Convention Q&As, exclusive interviews with cast and much more.

That evening they did karaoke.

In Seattle there had been bands playing and it was really awesome, but this karaoke was also great because Kiowa & Bronson hosted and actually sang along with the fans who signed up for songs. It was hilarious.

The next day Bronson said his most embarassing moment was "last night at karaoke" ha ha - Can't imagine why? He sang "A Whole New World" from Aladdin with Kiowa and some young fans - it was very sweet!

OVer all Friday was a fantastic first day... Stay Tuned for many more photos, interviews and deails on the rest of the weekend which I hope to post later tonight!

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