I saw down tonight to watch Vampire Diaries and my husband said to me "I am sick of vampires"
wait - NOW!?!?!
After months of set-stalking, being out at all hours, obsessing, photographing, blogging, discussing, analyzing, planning, waiting, watching, predicting....
NOW he is sick of vampires... LOL
I can't complain it has been about 6 months since I started getting caught up in the sets and seeing vampires take a major role in my life...
Not that they didn't back in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel days.... or Lost Boys for that matter...
When i introduced him to True Blood Recently he questioned my vampire obsession but didn't seem to object... he even watched some True Blood with me... but a CW show about Vampires was too much.... ha ha ha!
And so - I watched it alone....

Then I popped online and say TwiFans had a post about my vampire families....
As if it wasn't already impossible to avoid the living dead in pop culture these days, along comes The CW's new "The Vampire Diaries" to -- ahem -- drain more blood from the genre. And although the young-adult novels that inspired the seres were published way back in 1991 -- years before Sookie Stackhouse or Bella and Edward were created -- we can't help but compare the show to the popular "True Blood" and "Twilight." Here's how all three stack up against each other.

The Ingénue
"True Blood": Sookie's a waitress with psychic abilities and an open mind.
"Twilight": Bella's a moody high school student who wants to stay young forever.
"Vampire Diaries": Elena's a gorgeous teen with a tough past.
WINNER: Sookie. While she can make moronic life choices, she's strong-minded, can defend herself in perilous situations and is generally pretty darn adorable.

Vampire Boyfriend
"True Blood": Bill is a Civil War vet and Sookie's neighbor.
"Twilight": Edward is a dreamy high school student with a big family.
"Vampire Diaries": Stefan is a renaissance man from classic Italy.
WINNER: Edward. He's more appealing than Stefan and carries less baggage than Bill.

Shape Shifter Guys
"True Blood": Sam's a sweet bar owner who can turn into any animal.
"Twilight": Jacob's a werewolf who is totally in love with Bella.
"Vampire Diaries": Stefan's brother Damon is not only a vamp, but can also turn himself into a scary crow.
WINNER: Jacob. This good-hearted Native American boy only turns himself into a vicious killer to protect his loved ones.

The Romance
"True Blood": Sookie loves Bill, but it's slightly a strange love given that his blood saved her life and may have put her under his thrall somehow.
"Twilight": Bella and Edward are complete and utter soul mates, determined to be together for all eternity.
"Vampire Diaries": Elena is torn between two brothers that she's attracted to.
WINNER: "Vampire Diaries." Elena's is the classic love story, and what girl wouldn't want two hot siblings vying for her love?

The Vampire Rules
"True Blood": The bloodsuckers on this show abide by most of the common vampire rules: They can't go out in the sun without turning into a fritter, can be killed by stakes or by being beheaded, need to drink blood (though synthetic is acceptable), have super speed and can fly (at least some can).
"Twilight": While you could kill one of these vamps with a stake, the sun is not their enemy in the traditional sense of the word. They don't get burnt to a crisp; instead, they get all sparkly in the sunlight.
"Vampire Diaries": These vamps can go out in the sun, but only when wearing a special piece of jewelry that keeps them safe. They like to drink blood and try to keep their identities a secret.
WINNER: "True Blood." We prefer our undead to be creatures of the night. Call us old fashioned.

By the Book?
"True Blood": It hits some of the major plot points and character traits, but has gone its own way and invented new characters, kept some alive and embellished a lot of details.
"Twilight": It's extremely loyal to the books -- painstakingly so, as the fans quibble over any slight alteration or omission.
"Vampire Diaries": Based on the first episode, it's very loyal to the book, but the producers are going to have to do a lot to stretch this into a weekly series.
WINNER: "True Blood." We like the fact that the show is willing to take chances with the source material that usually pay off.
I saw this over at TwiFans where they said:
Tell me what you think? Im not really a bug fan of "True Blood"...... seems a little trashy to me. I saw the first episode of "Vampire Diaries" and I actually liked it..... What is your opinion?
My Opinion (as if you had to ask!)
True Blood is AWESOME - I love it.... Twilight I will always love, but I am thankful True Blood has the smut Twilight lacks.... Vampire Diaraies I watched and I felt like i was watching a copy-cat of Edward and Bella from his look to her stuttering.... still, it intrigued me enough to set a series record on my PVR ;)
My picks
The Ingénue - Sookie & Bella annoy the HECK out of me... and I don't know Elena well enough.... so I vote NONE!
Vampire Boyfriend - Edward... I totally agree!!!!
Shape Shifter Guys - Jacob... I agree... hands down
The Romance - Well I don't know enough about Vampire Diaries, but it sounds great, girl torn between 2 brothers... still... Edward and Bella have that eternal love... so I pick them
The Vampire Rules - I think True Blood sticks MOST to the traditional Vampire rules... so once again I agree.
By the Book? - Totally disagree, True Blood is SO different and NOT in a good way... this second season has some boring plot lines that are barely in the book and should not have been lasting a whole season on the show.... Twilight is the winner, it may be "painstakingly" by the book - and the fans may whine over every altered detail - but the books are so great - we just want the best movie