Saturday, December 5, 2009

SYTYCD hits Vancouver

I am not a dancer.

But I am a fan of SYTYCD and also of the judges especially Mary Murphy and Blake McGrath.

Both are in Vancouver right now!

I want NEED to meet these two!!!

I should have gone to the SYTYCD Auditions - though I would be wasting everyones time - I am NOT a dancer.... but I wanna get photos with them, I am such a fangirl!

I don't care that Mary is loud and that Blake is self-absorbed.... I adore them ha ha!

Tomorrow I am downtown for blogher and maybe the santa parade and maybe to stalk sytycd judges lmao

wish me luck

Tonight is Sam Bradley in Vancouver

I shall tweet moderately from the concert. I really want to enjoy the night and the music so no guarantees on how much I will tweet. I really love Sam Bradley's music and am thrilled he is performing in Vancouver again. I am sure he likes being home to see his friends and family too.

Also I am excited to see a lot of the lovely ladies I have met over the past year and have a great night.

Robert Pattinson at Hotel Cafe in West Hollywood last night

I know a lot of people are hating these photos and/or not posting them, but it is my blog and I almost always post whatever.... It's the cycle of fame that I have talked about before when The Robsten elevator incident occured or after Bobby Long Taxi fiasco.

For those of you new to my blog or forgetful of my opinions here is a recap-

Basically, Fans want photos, Stars photos promote them, paprazzi's job is to take photos so the cycle continues....

Few fans will 100% ban photos, we are greedy we always want more.... while Twilight Stars deffo don't NEED the promo currently, it always helps raise their fame and paycheque and whatnot, without all the photos of them, they wouldn't have become so big, and paparzzi will keep taking photos and trying to get a more exclusive shot because agencies keep paying them and are very competitive, because fans keep buying the magazines and going to the websites and want new original photos... it's a vicious cycle and it won't end soon.

With all THAT being said - here are some photos from last night, No Rob doesn't look like he wants to stop and smile for the cameras, but with that many flashes, [and likely beers in my system] I wouldn't either.. it'd be nice if he did - everyone get their shots and go home, but it doesn't work that way - it's the greed, more, more, more.

I hoped this was a wave, I think it's more of a "WTF DOOD"

Just liked I thought this was a "tip of that hat hello" but again I am pretty sure it's a "hide my face with my hat more"

Side Note - Bobby is a hottie

And the only (barely) look at hsi eyes

That's right Robbie, protect those eyes, that's the money maker ;)

Poory Guy wanted to have a night out and was chased by papz - tough life, but if I had his looks,talent and pay cheque I'd say it's part and parcel... Ideally we all have an agreement, stars pose off 10 seconds, papz snap off 10 seconds, fans um... enjoy eternally ;) But who decides how long, how often, how many?

If you do not agree with me, that is ok - I still love you.

Taylor Lautner in Max Steel Movie?

EW Online writes:

The L.A. Times is reporting that reps for Taylor Lautner are looking at Paramount’s Max Steel as a possible project for the Twilight heartthrob. Based on the Mattel toys that came out in 2001, the movie tells the story of a teenage superhero. Lautner would star as Josh McGrath, an athlete who is exposed to nanotechological machines and gets super-human powers from them. The script from J.P. Lavin and Chad Damiani is still being written.
Lautner’s publicist did not immediately respond to EW’s request for comment

Mandy's Mind - I think this would be a great role for him. He is a teenager, a superhero, buff, athletic, and I just wanna see him more ha!

Jackson Rathbone as an 8 year old?

Insert Tacky Fan Name Here posted this:

Our Chatbox regular Lautner-luvr discovered that Jackson went to the same school as her in 1992! She found a picture of him as an eight year old in the yearbook of international school of stavanger in norway. I didn't know Jackson lived in Norway! He's must of lived in quite a few places because he was born in Singapore and now lives in the US of A. Anyway here is a snippet of my email from Lautner-luvr and the adorable young Jackson picture:

so here's Jackson at eight. he was in second grade.
i asked the director - they used to call him Jay, so that's why his name isn't Jackson on that picture. They tend to mess names up a lot.

I don't know if it is real or not but it's cute huh?

[via RobstenLovers]

Anna Kendrick talks to Ask Men

Anna Kendrick recently did an inter­view with in which she spoke about Robert Pat­tin­son, Twilight Saga, Paparazzi, Fans and George Clooney.....

AM : What’s it like being in the Twi­light series?

AK : It’s a phe­nom­e­non that can­not be accounted for. It’s really excit­ing. The thing about my involve­ment is that I get to have my cake and eat it too. I get to be a part of the [Twi­light] fran­chise and go on the ride when I feel like it. And I still have my real life. I can walk around and peo­ple don’t spec­u­late about my pri­vate life.

AM : Have you got­ten more atten­tion from the Twi­light–ers since you got cast?

AK : Yeah. The other great thing is that peo­ple just seem to be fine with me. Some peo­ple love Rob [Pat­tin­son] and Kris­ten [Stew­art] and some peo­ple say a lot of cruel things. And peo­ple tend to leave me alone. If they want to say some­thing they tend to say some­thing nice. Its an insane fran­chise to be a part of, but I got it the eas­i­est out of everyone.

AM : Since the first part of Twi­light has the atmos­phere changed in terms of fans and paparazzi?

AK : Thank God that peo­ple exist who know how to take care of that stuff. Oth­er­wise, we’d just be mobbed every­day. They’ve set up a ver­i­ta­ble fortress around every loca­tion that I’ve shot at with good rea­son. We live in our lit­tle blacked-out bubble.

AM : How do you com­pare the atten­tion that cir­cles Twi­light star Robert Pat­tin­son and George Clooney?

AK : From what I’ve seen they get dif­fer­ent sides of it. Rob gets a lot of scream­ing and a lot of pry­ing and a lot of really, really intense praise, which doesn’t nec­es­sar­ily feel good when it’s com­ing from this hys­ter­i­cal place. Then I see peo­ple come to George and because he’s so estab­lished, some peo­ple try [to] trick him into say­ing some­thing. And it’s inter­est­ing to watch him side­step that stuff so grace­fully and never lose his cool. I don’t know how he does that.

AM : Is there more hys­te­ria around Clooney or Pattinson?

AK : Rob Pat­tin­son. I’ve never seen any­thing like it. Yes­ter­day, peo­ple were ask­ing me [at the Up in the Air pre­miere with Clooney], “Could you believe how crazy this pre­miere is?” and I was like, you ain’t seen nothing.

AM : Like stam­pedes and stuff?

AK : Comic Con was pretty intense. We were in smaller the­aters, and there were no bar­ri­ers. I was just think­ing, they’re feet away, and he’s stand­ing right next to me. This kid is going to lose an eye right next to me. There were four secu­rity guards around him but all it takes is one and your eye is gone.

AM : Do you under­stand why peo­ple are so into him?

AK : He’s attrac­tive, charm­ing and funny, but do I get why peo­ple do that? No.

AM : Do you think it’s more because they see him as his char­ac­ter, Edward?

AK : Yes. Absolutely. I under­stand that. Read­ing the books, Edward [Cullen] is like noth­ing you’ve ever read, and I under­stand why girls go crazy. But I don’t under­stand why there’s no dis­con­nect when they see a real human being and start convulsing.

To check out the full inter­view go here .

[via robstenlovers]

PFach Bday Bash

I love Jennie's long locks look. And Peter is so adorable - whatta cute fam!

Sarah Paline vs Twilight New Moon

From People Magazine December 14, 2009

See moreat full size here

Twilight Saga rules the School...or at least USA TODAY BEST-SELLERS

By The Associated Press (AP) – 1 day ago

Key: F-Fiction; NF-Nonfiction; H-Hardcover; P-Paperback
1. "Going Rogue: An American Life" by Sarah Palin (HarperCollins) (NF-H)

2. "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) (F-H)

3. "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) (F-P)

4. "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) (F-P)

5. "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) (F-H)

6. "I, Alex Cross" by James Patterson (Little, Brown) (F-H)
7. "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days" by Jeff Kinney (Amulet Books) (F-H)
8. "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown (Doubleday) (F-H)
9. "Private Latitudes" by Michael Crichton (Harper) (F-H)
10. "Guinness World Records 2010" by Guinness World Records (Guinness) (NF-H)

We stopped at #10. You get the point :)

[Thanks Robsten Lovers]

VanCity BlogHer Holiday Party

So my friend is a blogger.

She pretty much spends most of her time doing that in leiu of a "real job"

I love it.

I remember in early 2009 when I asked her, how can I become a full time professional blogger. She told me a lot about blogging but one thing she said was that I needed a "niche" since not a lot of people read "diary or journal blogs" anymore unless they are unique....

at that time my blogs were journaly, gossipy, boring... then... Twilight came to town.

I went from my own friends and may 20 people I knew from a friend of a friend reading my blog, to thousands of people....

I didn't find my "niche" it found me.

Now - several months, two movies and several cast encounters later - here we are.

I am not in a situation to quit my "real job" to blog - the money I have made from blogging would not even cover the cost of vodka, hell of even coffee to keep me blogging as often as I do - - - BUT - - - It is an outlet, it is fun, it is interactive and I love it.

That being said..... my blogger friend is throwing a blog-her holiday party for charity and she invited me since I am in Vancouver, I am a woman and I am indeed a blogger.... so this upcoming Sunday I will be attending an appie & drink party to meet other female bloggers in Vancouver... exciting.

I love writing and I thank you all for reading... it is a fun outlet for me and I am so glad to have readers like you to keep me motivated :-)

Apparently Robert Pattinson is going to hell...

From OK! Magazine (UK)

here are some more tabloid stories.... thanks to RPLife

See More Here

Eclipse's solo still not enough for eager fans

We have all drooled over the Eclipse poster (ok, analysed it and ranted about how June is sooooo far away - de ja vu of November being soooooo far away for so long ;) ha!)

And then there is this... single still photo that we have to grasp onto until they give us more.....

Seriously, they can't give us the same pic in better quality and think that's good enough - give us more... David Slade, Summit, whoever, c'mon.... we are wrapped up in New Moon multiple times and need some Eclipse teasers - - - - STAT!

Japan Interview with Rob


0:02 How do you like Japan?
0:56 Do you have any hobbies?
1:34 How do you want to spend your thirties?

Yes/No Questions

1) You're very good at memorizing scripts
2) You are very smooth with kissing
3) You wish that there was no such thing as paparazzi
4) You'll freak out if you lose your cell phone
5) You're idol is Zac Efron
6) You want to be/the challenge to be James Bond some day
7) The Twilight Sensation is still unbelievable for you
8) You think it's hopeless to fall in love with a co-star


RPattz won't play John Lennon says GossipCop

I hadn't even heard this rumour, then again, I have been moving and slightly outta the loop for a couple days...

Gossip Cop says:

“Imagine Robert Pattinson as John Lennon,” an item in the Star item began, adding, “It’s easy if you try.”

As previously reported, the tabloid claimed Pattinson “is in talks with director Robert Zemeckis to play the late great Beatle in Disney’s 3-D remake of the classic cartoon Yellow Submarine.”

There were elements that made it plausible: Pattinson is British, and has a fondness for writing and playing music.

Suffice to say, we reached out to EVERYONE, and it was a long and winding road, but a Disney rep who spoke directly with the filmmakers told Gossip Cop the rumor is absolutely “false.”

Breaking Dawn Vancouver seems to be more of a possibility

There are rumours and there are facts.

I like to take both and draw conclusions that are intelligent and not out of left field to form my opinions.

I like to blog about a combination of these things for you to enjoy and make up your own mind on the issues.

Let's discuss Breaking Dawn

I recieved several emails, tweets and messages over the past few days that I have only just addressed because of things going on with my personal life, mainly my move to the new place.

I am already certain they will make Breaking Dawn and I believe it will be two movies with a HUGE pay raise. More and More I believe (and hope) that it will be filmed again in Vancouver.

Here are the things I have heard:

  • Things went well here while filming New Moon and Eclipse. Chris Weitz rocked New Moon, David Slade pumped out Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, naturally, could return to Vancouver where their quality money-movies were shot...

  • Peter Facinelli was involved in the auction that gave the winner a visit to a Breaking Dawn set along with a dinner and stay at Vancouver hotel and restaurant.

  • a BC Film Commission worker anticipates it will be here "as planned" in 2010.

  • the lot used for Bella's house was booked through 2010 and When Bella's House was taken down I was told the various things about the space, mainly it was booked thru 2010 but the lot across the street where the trailers were stored during live filming was bought and wouldn't be available so they would need to have the circus further away for the next one.

  • a young actress in L.A. was told by her agent to ensure she has renewed her passport to get into Canada while another was apparently told to wait for the official casting call in the spring which would be held in L.A. and Vancouver...this is hearsay but worth mentioning as possible rumour possible reality, I know extras don't get picked till closer to shoot and are usually locally picked.

  • Summit has been very tight-lipped about everything and even throws out diversions of "Eclipse Surprises" to keep everyone's minds off BD

  • Bill Bannerman, producer, encouraged a theatre packed with people to tweet, blog and get the fans excited about Breaking Dawn and to get Breaking Dawn in Vancouver. Several people with video of this announcement in Vancouver for the New Moon opening contacted me after Bill Bannerman asked them to remove the video from youtube. (and asked me to remove from my blog-which I did)

  • Ryan Seacrest confirmed BD and he generally has some great sources and won't say things that aren't true or can't be backed up.

  • Melissa Rosenberg has been rumoured to started writing screenplay though she denies it publicly as all involved seem to have been instructed to keep it under wraps until all details are sorted out. [Yet many keep spilling the beans or bits anyways albeit unintentionally I am sure] such as Wyck Godfrey who is careful how he words it.

  • Rob plans to film it and has it scheduled into his agenda

  • Sources who are usually reliable have said they believe Vancouver is happening. Most of the "Portland" rumours are from highly unreliable sources thus far with the exception of a couple sources that are often reliable who firmly believe is will be Portland.

  • Speaking of unreliable sources, let's look at a VERY reliable source Twilight Lexicon discusses casting scams for Breaking Dawn and links to casting scam alerts

    Sure I am biased since I am a Vancouver fan who wants to see Breaking Dawn filmed locally but the fact is Vancouver is the better choice for filming for many reasons I have mentioned before.

    Either way it is clear it will be made which is the most important thing. Anywhere on the west coast works as much of it is rich with forests and mountains needed for the film. Locally just means I can be a part of it more than if it was in Portland, which makes me happy :)

    Until Summit officially announces the details we all have to wait. But as rumours continue to fly, I will listen, report and as always offer my opinion - take it or leave it - it's my blog to write ha!
  • Ashley Greene on Jimmy Kimmel

    People asked about the two holes on her leg... my HUSBAND said "well it's from when she broke her femer" what? "ya remember her interview last week when she said that boy jumped off the trampoline right onto her and no one thought it was broken till she got to the hospital and it was? Well they have to put pins in your leg so that is probably what those scras are from"

    Well Then.... thanks mr. hubs the expert on ashley greene ever since her nude photos emerged ha!

    Nikki Reed on Bonnie Hunt

    I think I posted the youtube version in two parts - either way here it is in full.

    Cullen Fashion over the years... er...decades... um...century

    I really like this look at fashion. If only someone could photoshop the actors faces into these outfits heheheheheh.

    Here it is:

    For the past month there has been some serious New Moon Madness going on. Since the movie release, there has been a little talk on fashion and bad wigs and such. So, I thought I'd take everyone back to when each Cullen was turned into a vampire. I'm going to show you the styles they may have wore that were popular in their times. Then I'm gonna show you what they wear today. I thought this would be really cool. I figured it would be a visual of just how long the Cullens have been around. Hope you all enjoy these pics.

    This is what Carlisle Cullen may have dressed in when turned into a vampire:

    This is what Esme Cullen may have dressed liked when she was turned:

    This is what Rosalie Hale Cullen may have dressed like when she was turned into a vampire:

    [Mandy's Mind - I think we will see a VERY similar outfit in Eclipse for Rosalie's flashback]

    This is what Emmett Cullen may have dressed like when he was turned into a vampire:

    This is what Jasper Hale Cullen may have dressed like when he was turned into a vampire:

    {Mandy's Mind - I hope he looks like this in Eclipse during the flashback scenes when he *IS* turned]

    This is what Alice Cullen may have dressed like when she was turned into a vampire:

    This is what Edward Cullen may have dressed like when he was turned into a vampire:

    This is the Cullens and there fashions now:

    I would also like to add that I'm doing two giveaways. I'm giving away the New Moon or Twilight soundtrack on iTunes to the 7000 follower and I'm also doing a giveaway on New Years Eve. On New Years Eve, I'll come up with a cool contest to win Twilight the movie on iTunes. I just wanted to give back some of the love you guys have given me. Happy Holidays from your Twi-Guy.

    Don't forget to give Eddie some love and follow him on Twitter @McFearless1


    PFach in NYC talks about Robsten

    Peter Facinelli was out in the Big Apple on Wed and had this to say about

    the pressure Rob & Kristen might be under:

    Peter recently talked about what it means to come into this crazy level of fame being a bit older than some of his costars, saying, "It is easier for me to deal with now. I can't compare to Rob [Pattinson] and Kristen [Stewart] because I'm not with them on a day-to-day basis. But I can say that for me, when I was 23 or 24, I wouldn't have been able to handle this level of success. Being put under a microscope, I wouldn't have been able to process it. As you get older, you constantly try to find yourself, and in my early 20s I didn't have a full sense of me. But now, I've been with me for a lot longer."

    [Pop Sugar]

    Rob's "Other" Woman

    Ha ha ha this made me laugh - seriously, I think Rob will be rumoured to be dating EVERY WOMAN he talks to for the next 5+ years....

    Twilight star Robert Pattinson has kept us all guessing over his relationship with co-star Kristen Stewart, but we can reveal that, in reality, he is closer to his agent Stephanie Ritz.

    While his on-off romance with Kristen, 19, has cooled since the summer, Brit hunk Robert has strong feelings for thirtysomething Stephanie.

    ‘Whenever he needs advice, Stephanie's the one he turns to,' a source tells Now . ‘She's very supportive of his musical aspirations and is helping him to get that off the ground.'

    Kristen dumped her boyfriend Michael Angarano to hook up with 23-year-old Rob, but things have never been stable and they've had screaming rows about Rob's wandering eye and, in particular, his closeness to Stephanie.

    Kristen's furious that he spends so much time with her and seems to hang on her every word.

    ‘Rob and Kristen never talk about their relationship publicly because they're not sure there's much to talk about. They ham it up for the cameras to help the movie get publicity, but other than that they find it a difficult subject.

    'There's a real chemistry between them, but they're so young they don't know what they want. It's a bit of a mess, to be honest.'

    ‘Rob's always been a troubled soul and left the UK for Hollywood so that he could escape his demons. That doesn't make for a great boyfriend.'


    Thursday, December 3, 2009

    Taylor & Taylor out for dinner in Beverly Hills

    After an afternoon of reshoots for Valentine’s Day, Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift step out for a bite to eat at Benihana restaurant in Beverly Hills on Thursday evening (December 3).

    The two Taylors met up with gal pal costar Emma Roberts (wearing a brunette wig) earlier this afternoon as they shot scenes in football field bleachers at a local high school.

    Read more and see more pics over at JJJ.

    Taylor, Kristen, Rob stick together to negotiate Breaking Dawn pay Cheques

    TwiFans posted this:

    In a smart move by Taylor, Kristen, & Robert's agents, rumor is, they are sticking together for the best possible paycheck for all. Meaning that the 3 actors are not signing on for "Breaking Dawn" without the other actors to play the part and also making sure they get the money they all want and deserve.

    This should make twifans happy to insure we have continuity for the last films with the actors we love.

    According to the Chicago Sun Times:

    "As the trio approaches negotiations for what may be two films based on the Breaking Dawn novel in author Stephenie Meyer's vampire saga, word has it Pattinson, Stewart and Lautner are joining forces to negotiate as a team. The story is reminiscent of the approach taken by "Friends" stars Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer, Lisa Kudrow and Matt LeBlanc -- who famously stuck together for all of their contract negotiations in that hit TV series' long run.

    Though nothing is yet on paper, there is word the huge box-office hauls of both "Twilight" and "New Moon" -- and the likely success of "Eclipse," already shot and due in June -- has the three actors likely to be able to demand paychecks well into eight figures for the next two films."

    I think this is such a smart move... they all deserve big paychecks. What do you think?

    Two Taylor's on Set

    I really would love to see these two dating officially, but who knows... they were on set again for Valentines Day filming and looked super sweet.

    Earlier today Taylor Swift was out shopping with Selena Gomez.... akward...... I really wonder what the heck those gals talk about regarding Taylor... I mean... obvious media has it wrong.... he couldn't have dated her then her and they are still bff's right? or... are they actually mature, and calm and reasonable celeb teen girls who can overlook this kind of thing?

    um - sorry - I could not get over losing a hottie like tay rawr!

    See More at TwiFans

    Ashley Greene in Summer's Blood

    I recently posted Where to see your fave Twilight Cast and one movie for AShley Greene was this - Summer's Blood... here are some stills... apparently there are mixed reviews but I am a sucker for horros of any kind and will deffo check this one out.

    This looks like a great thriller. You can see what all your fave Twilight cast is up to next here

    [ source ]