Saturday, August 13, 2011

Reality TV Update August 12, 2011

I was away for a few days camping, but spent today unpacking and catching up on this week's reality tv shows. This was my update on Monday including BB13, Bachelor Pad, Hells Kitchen, Masterchef and more.

Big Brother

Well since I have live feeds I do indeed blog regularily on updates. I always put the results under a link/cut so that no one sees spoilers unless they want to.

Everyone saw "America" voted Brendon back in *gag* I truly feel this is a CBS rigging. I have seen tweets from past houseguests who alluded to the manipulation of producers, and maybe it is my own bias, but I just can NOT believe that American voted BRENDON back in.... *shrugs*

Anyhow, he played Lawon, let's face it, ANYONE would beat Lawon, and now we have to endure Brenchel once more.

Due to live feeds I know who is new HoH and who that person nominates and I have to say it is all quite a shocker. Spoiler Post here

Hells Kitchen

I already did a recap and review of Monday's episode before I left, but today I watched Tuesday's episode and was fairly upset. I really liked Jonathan, but he fell apart and had to go. I was shocked to see Natalie beside him and at risk to be sent home. I really peg her as a finalist to behonest. I am so sick of the Elise vs. Carrie dramaz but it looks like it hits its breaking point next week based onthe previews. Let's hope!

For a full recap go here.


We are now down to the Final 4 after a devestating elimination Tuesday evening. I have to say, it has been between Christian, Jennifer and Adrien the past few weeks for me, but I absolutely love Ben and loathe Suzy. And even within those top 3, I think Christian is far too cocky and hate that his cooking is so good! I'd love to see Adrien or Jennifer win, but after tonight we know Ben will not as he was sent home, sadly. I will miss his smile and crazy printed chef hats, but I am ready to see what the final 4 can bring in this competition. Full recap here.

Challenge: Rivals

I did an entire post on this week's episode only because it was a lot of insanity in one show. They moved to Argentina, but not before a massive Toga party, then they fought, then they di d a helicopter awesome challenge, then they had to think individually - gasp! and in the end we didn't get to the challenge.... it was To Be Continued... I am rooting for CT and Adam, for once... want to know why? Read complete recap and lengthy review here.

Love in the Wild

I was so glad to see Skip and Theresa go. Of the remaning 6 people, 3 couples, they had the weakest connection it seemed. I really enjoyed the challenge of swimming and coins and so on, but what was best was the end. Of course now they have connections, no one is going to choose someone else, so they had a "newlywed" game style contest to see who knew their partners best. It was fun and I am so happy to see Mike and Sam along with Miles and Heather in the finals. I think both have a good connection but I am rooting for Miles and Heather simply because I think they have the BETTER connection and Mike and Sam have won everything so far! It's a cute show and I am excited to hear they will do a season 2!

Jersey Shore

I am always terrified and shocked by this show. They are in Italy, and Deena can't stay on her own two feet, she stumbles all over sober or drunk, she and PaulyD are besties somehow and want to hook-up without ruining the friendship like Vinnie and Snooki. The Situation is all interested in Snooks now, because they hooked up before the season and she has a "serious" boyfriend (who we know doesn't last) it is chaos. Meanwhile, Ronnie and Sammi are over and ok with it, until they are drunk then she is a blubbering whiney leech again. I am so over them - I have been - they are so unhealthy for each other, I kind of wish Sammi didn't even go to Italy to be honest. Drunk, Single ROnnie is hilarious. Sammi - drunk, sober, anywhich way, is a bore or an annoyance.


Well, I called it almost from day one. I favoured Mel and Marko, along with Ryan, all along. I was really impressed with the finale performance show as well as the results show / finale. I loved all the new routines and repeated favourites from the season. It was awesome to see everyone again on the show and re-live the fantastic season!

Some favourites include: Matt Flint, Nick Young and Jess LeProtto tap routine, Tadd and Joshua doind Lil C's routine, Melanie and Robert doing Stacey Tookeys routine, oh I could go on and on - it was just a great two-evening finale!

I am glad the season is over, because SYTYCD Canada is only at Top 12 and to be honest, seeing SYTYCD Monday, Tuesday (Canada) then Wednesday, Thursday (USA) was a tad exhausting. I found it really hard to switch gears between the two. I mean Canada's is shorter, especially since I fast-forward through Leah Miller and most of the judges, PLUS our results show is only a half-hour, no filler, just the facts.... but still - I enjoy SYTYCD so much I wish the seasons did not overlap. Luckily, they don't always.


I did my performance post of the Top 14 here. I only just watched the results show tonight and have done a post on that below (scroll down). Overall, I am ok with the results, but really, Carlena should have stayed a few more weeks at least. There were females weaker than her I would have prefered to see leave. Ah Well! I am rooting for Jordan and Joey at this point. Still.

I have posted a number of videos of some favourites this season on SYTYCD Canada and USA so scroll down to see them.

Here is my update from Monday Night's episodes:  Bachelor Pad, Hells Kitchen, Masterchef, and MORE!

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