Friday, April 16, 2010

Have a Sparkling Great Weekend

I hope you have a wonderful weekend that is sparkling and shining as Edward Cullen in the sunlight ;)

Fans Opinions Matter - Rant about Current State of Twilight Saga

Since news of Eclipse reshoots broke Wednesday, the internet has been a frenzy of gossip, rumours and speculation. Even "official" word is being doubted.

Fans are what drive the Twilight Saga. Let's face it, before Twilight Summit was not exactly known as a successful or well-known company.

Twilight was an "unexpected hit" while New Moon came together rather nicely (minus a few seconds of vampire Bella frolicking in the forest) and now we have some chaos. I am not blaming Summit or any one person or department but it seems things are VERY different right now than they have been in the past.

First we have Eclipse "trouble" rumours galore (let's face it all rumours have to come from SOMEWHERE, even common sense) and second, we have massive Breaking Dawn secrecy borderline coverups.... Fans opinions matter... and I want to know how youa re feeling right now about the Twilight Saga.

Personally here are my thoughts:

Re-Shoots/Pick-Up shoots are common in films, but this seems really late in the game to be doing them. To return to location with primary cast to reshoot scenes seems like a major task to be doing 2 months before the film is supposed to come out.
New Moon's final cut was done over a month before it came out, so there's an interesting comparison.

After news of a new editor came out, I evaluated the timeline and realized some major difference between New Moon and Eclise but also felt that if they worked hard it woukd all come together. Now, with reshoots I wonder.

The word is still June 30, 2010, and I really really doubt Summit could get away with changing that date.... there would surely be a twi-riot ha ha

That being said, how many hours will people be working to make this film come together by June 30 and how tired will they be and how rushed will they be?

Eclipse is my favourite book and the movie I am most looking forward to and I am fearful they will eff it up!

Everyone involved with the films always say "we know we can't please everyone" but I think (while a true fact) it's kind of a cop out and if that's the mentality they have going into this - I am more worried about thr outcome.

I usually say I can't wait for June 30 but at this point I am ok with the wait as long as they have time to get it right!

On the flip side - coming back to Vancouver to film reshoots for Eclipse makes me excited that Breaking Dawn will be announced here also.

The production team is coming back and has ANOTHER opportunity to speak with BC Film Commissionand hopefully make it official that they will return to Vancouver to film.

Regardless, I am worried and disappointed in how things have been going lately, witht he seemingly delayed production of Eclipse, staffing changes, secrecy, confusion, rumours, leaks, scams and lack of communication.

I think Twilight Fans would be more honest with the truth... Here's what I imagine would be said if Summit were honest:

"We want the movie to be perfect and the editor was going in a direction we didn't like so we re-hired"

"Our rehiring upset David Slade who has worked closely with him before, however, we are working through these issues and all have a common - goal of giving the fand a fantastic movie"

"Going through footage we realized we need more shots here and there and are going in for reshoots to ensure the best quality film for fans"

"We have decided on a location for Breaking Dawn but in the interest of surprise and security we are not announcing it until closer to the filming start date"

"Our Breaking Dawn director is (Bill Condon?) but we want to keep him happy and safe so we are not announcing it until closer to filming start date so he is not harassed by twilight fans daily leading to his exhaustion before filming even begins"

"We realize fans want more so we will release one official still a month/week leading up to the movies release so that we don't have to be dickheads and chase after fans who post leaked photos that were stolen from us because we are too secretive and elusive"

"We are sorry to go after fans who promote us for free and help us keep our mansions and fancy cars, instead of trying to sue them and make their lives miserable we are going to thank them with passes to the premiere and public apology"

"We know we don't actually own the rights to the image of people holding apples, we just like to pretend we own the world because we had one major mega successful saga"

"Yes are in bed with the devil... but he's hot and we like it"

Ok - maybe I kid... or maybe not...

The point is things are different and I don't like it... I miss good old Twilight/New Moon days... simpler times... ha ha

What do you think?

Share your opinionson everything in the comments.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kristen felt weird kissing "Jacob" as "Bella" in Eclipse

For Kristen Stewart, who reprises her role as Bella in Twilight: Eclipse, locking lips with costar Taylor Lautner (who plays her pal Jacob) felt odd—not just because she thinks of Lautner as a kid brother, but because Bella’s heart truly belongs to vampire hottie Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). “It felt really weird kissing someone else as Bella,” says Stewart. “I was like, ‘What the hell are you doing?’ It was a really strange experience—as it should have been.”


Death at a Funeral - My Thoughts

I went to the screening last night and wanted to share with you my thoughts on the movie.

I'll admit it was one of the movies I was least excited to see in past weeks. The genre just doesn't strike me as theatre-worthy and generally those types of movies I save for dvd or ondemand.

While I haven't seen the 2007 British version, I have heard the plot is almost identical besides replacing the family with african-americans and having them living in L.A.

Now that being said if you liked the original, you will likely love this remake.

Seeing just this version here is my plot summary and review:

Chris ROck plays the eldest of two songs whose father has just died. While his younger brother is a successful writer, rarely involve din family affairs, Chris Rock's character is a struggling writer wrapped up in taking care of his wife, mother and extended family.

Chris Rock is usually outrageous, funny and entertaining and as such his role in this film is difficult to accept as he tries to portray strong emotions of anger and sadness and it seems lost. I kept expecting him to laugh, yell obnoxious, offensive jokes and be done with it.

Martin Lawrence was also surprisingly less funny than expected playing the younger brother, a successful writer in NYC. He has some funny moments but overall is just annoying. The feud between the brothers is not that exciting and seems overdone.

Danny Glover plays the grumpy old uncle who has some hilarious moments. One scene which I didn't enjoy was with Tracy Morgan and involved "poop"

I will leave it at that but I felt it was more disgusting than funny.

The funniest character was "Oscar" played by hottie James Marsden (seriously, his smile is amazing!) He accidently takes hallucinates and experiences a high that had me laughing so hard it hurt.

Peter Dinklage played the "little person" and allegedly was the same character in the original version in 2007. His story line was funny and added to the twists of the plot.

There were lot's of one-liners and interesting plot parts that kept the movie funny, though I felt the pace was all wrong and a little hectic / chaotic at most times.

Not a bad movie, but not one I would pay to see in theatre personally.

More Info on the "Re-Shoots"

Well this might start to calm us down...


HitFix has learned that Slade, who is currently overseeing the film's score in London, would be headed to Vancouver himself to film what are obvstentively pick up shots, not reshot scenes.
Pick up shots are cut into already completed scenes and can be necessary
because of anything from bad lighting, a faulty print or a missing
expression or line that was determined in editing. Reshoots insinuate a
completely new scene being inserted into a picture.

Additionally, a Summit spokesperson told HitFix that the shoot has been planned for months, the picture is not in "trouble" and, in
fact, the studio thinks it may be the best of the three so far.
Considering, this writer has heard praise for "Eclipse's" script,
that's easy to believe. The spokesperson also noted that reshoot
timing is three days or less, is not a lot of material and furthermore,
they do not involve the meadow scene or any action scenes whatsoever.

If you missed the hoopla yesterday....

I posted on the rumoured reshoots. I also edited that same post to include Lainey Gossip's details and Twilight Lexicon's perspective.

Gossip Cop also posted on the story. Summit directed people to that information.

So now, we wait and see.

There is belief that rep will just lie and say whatever to spin a story and cover their ass.

There is also belief (as Gossip Cop posted in a low-blow to Lainey) that people will post anything for a story/traffic.

PERSONALLY, I know that Lainey is usually right, she is strategic in her posting but mostly in a way that will not give away too much until after shooting because of her experiences with the crazy twilight fans.

That being said I am familiar with past sets and should I notice any trucks passibg my house to one particular set we will know Lainey was correct about "meadow" scenes and/or "fight scenes"

Some figured it was studio HOWEVER they would NOT come all the way back here for just STUDIO because there are studios everywhere.

Anyways, time will tell and I will, as always, keep you posted on what I see and hear in my neighbourhood ;)

Kick-Ass Movie Review & rant about movies impacts

LAINEY GOSSIP wrote a review on the new movie "Kick-Ass". And while the review itself is good and I do hope to check the movie out, her rant afterwards was very interesting to me.

I thought I'd share it with you because I agree with so much of what she is saying:

Much has been made of the violence [in the movie Kick-Ass movie]and critics of the film are complaining that watching an 11 year old GIRL cuss so liberally and kill with such unadulterated glee makes them uncomfortable. I guess??? I mean, it’s an R rated movie. It’s not a f-cking secret. And more importantly, the gore, it’s not subversive either. In fact, it’s almost comical in its excess. Your kids are listening to Ke$ha on the radio singing about brushing her teeth with Jack Daniels and inviting dudes to put some “love in her glove box”. All in the name of an irresistibly addictive beat. I’m just saying there are other evils. It’s relative.

And if you want to make that argument about Kick-Ass you better be willing to listen to mine about The Hangover and Hot Tub Time Machine. And the homophobia. Because these movies with their “gay jokes”, the excuse is that - oh those guys are such douchebags, it’s so obvious that the gaybashing is portrayed as an UNattractive attribute… but is it? Because I guarantee you the gang-raping frat boys who loop those movies on repeat every weekend don’t see those kinds of comments as negative attributes. In fact, they laugh, and they think it’s ok, and they rinse and repeat. And why isn’t that more offensive than Hit-Girl in Kick-Ass who can take care of her own business, who doesn’t aspire to become a model or a singer, who uses her brain with her brawn, who doesn’t care about her hair, and knows about being a loyal friend… is she more offensive than the Asian stereotype, “chink”-talking gay gangster who f-cked with Bradley Cooper and his crew?

To me, in comparison to that, I’ll take Hit Girl. Every day. She’s a f-cking bad ass. Girls can kick ass too.


Robsten's Matching Shoes

We know they share clothes.

I don't know about matching shoes.. LoL.... My husband and I colour co-ordinate if we are going out (Ok I colour match us, for example last week at a wedding, my dress was blue so I set out his blue tie... NYE I wore a red dress and he wore a red accented tie etc. etc.)

Maybe the shoes are just REALLLLLY comfy? Like Ray Bans, Adiadas should be thanking Robsten.... as should all suppliers of plaid.

Simpson's Italy resembles Twilight's

Someone on TwiFans posted this photo. The Simpson's went to Italy but doesn't it resemble Volterra?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More Eclipse Re-Shoot Drama

This morning I posted on the Eclipse re-shoots coming to Vancouver.

Just recently, Gossip Cop posted on the Eclipse filming re-shoots and basically called said that Lainey Gossip's Information was incorrect!!!

I guess time will tell who is correct, but one thing is for sure... Eclipse re-shoots in Vancouver will be happening soon.

Here's Gossip Cops Post:

A report widely disseminated earlier today made big waves by claiming that “key scenes” in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse need to be reshot in Vancouver, and speculated that the development indicated production on the June release was troubled.

Gossip Cop looked into it, and we have the exclusive answers.

First, regarding the implication that these reshoots were unexpected, an authorized rep for the studio tells Gossip Cop, “The reshoot was planned for months, like it is with the majority of films.”

Let Gossip Cop settle some other false rumors.

Contrary to today’s inaccurate speculation, “creative differences” have not led Summit to consider bringing in another director for the reshoots.

David Slade is 100% directing them, like he did the entire movie, and the studio is “very happy” with his direction of the film, which internally is believed to be the best of the series.

As for the timing, speculation that there will be three rushed days of 18-hour shoots is incorrect. The Summit rep tells Gossip Cop that it’s a two-and-a-half to three-day shoot, and that “very little” actually has to be reshot.

But the biggest misconception concerned the specific scenes alleged to be those in need of a reshoot. The rep confirms to Gossip Cop, “None of the meadow or action scenes are being reshot.”

Asked to comment on today’s alarmist rumors, the authorized rep for the studio tells Gossip Cop, “Reports much like the one earlier today are ploys to drive traffic without any merit and without any support from the studio on what is actually going on or true.”

Gossip Cop will continue to bring accurate “Eclipse” production news before the film’s June theatrical release.

Eclipse heading for re-shoots **Updated**

***Sorry for all the edits/additions but this story has been a rollercoaster this morning***

Insiders say Eclipse will be doing some re-shoots in Vancouver.

All specific details unknown.

Some believe "meadow" re-shoots, which would make sense since it was recently said that the Eclipse editor was replaced and that the cut they had been working on lacked "love story".

Many hope it's close-up's on Bella (I guess editing just COULDN'T fix that wig!?! ha ha)

While some reshoots of secondary cast members are rumoured, it is highly likely that at least one of the three main cast will be in town if not more.

[Update - See Below]

What does this mean for Eclipse timeline?




Lainey Gossip writes:

Multiple sources have confirmed to me that some key scenes need to be reshot including footage between “Bella” and “Edward” in the meadow and a few fight sequences. They’ve been waiting for weeks to confirm dates but have had to work around Robert Pattinson’s schedule. Originally they needed 7 days but now, due to his other commitments, it’s been proposed that they work for 3 days with the crew putting in 18 hours each day. This should happen in Vancouver in the new few weeks.

What’s more interesting is WHO would actually direct the reshoot. David Slade is the director for Eclipse. But I’m told that apparently David Slade’s relationship with Summit has been... not great. Creative differences. At one point things had supposedly deteriorated to the point that they were actually considering hiring someone else to reshoot in Vancouver. Some of the names tossed around? Chris Weitz and Catherine Hardwicke. Hardwicke is in Vancouver working on another new film to go in the summer. They’re looking at delaying that project and Hardwicke has been spotted undercover checking out studio and location space for the Eclipse reshoot.

Having said that, Slade and Summit are now communicating on better terms. And there is still a good possibility he could come back to Vancouver to complete his film. As of Monday, no final decision about a director had been made. Will keep you posted.

Mandy's Mind

Interesting... I sensed tension between Summit & David Slade after the new editor was hired for Eclipse. All of this makes me VERY uneasy....

I don't see Chris Weitz or Catherine Hardwicke taking over the re-shoots. IF David Slade doesn't do it, a 2nd unit director or stunt director from Eclipse seems more likely.

How do you feel bout all of this?

Before you get upset about re-shoots this late in the game...

Twilight Lexicon posted this:

For those of you that know Twilight shooting history, you know that this is not the first time in the Twilight Saga franchise that reshoots have taken place. Catherine Hardwicke had to reshoot several key scenes months after filming in Portland had wrapped. Specifically Catherine shot the infamous meadow scene on a golf course in the LA area and the 1930’s flashback to Forks scene (Kellan Lutz, Peter Facinelli, Kellan Lutz in period clothes) months after filming had wrapped. In fact at the time, many questioned why the scenes with Kellan, Nikki, and Peter could have just been reshot in LA rather than dragging everyone back to Portland.

So, let's not get too scared... NGL I am concerned but, let's trust it will all come together... *fingers crossed*


Twilight Lexicon got word from Summit to refer to GossipCop for "complete story" which I posted here.

Rob & Kristen in London together

Now, I have jumped on the "Robsten" band wagon officially, but the engagement rumours see to hopeful to me. SO many assumed they were dating and now when they are out and about together openly, peope assume they are engaged... wtf...

Either way here theya re in London together, maybe going to spend time with Rob's family ?!?! heh heh.

Robsten has made it to London. This part of the story is absolutely true, as for the rest it's from Star Magazine. WARNING not a reliable source of information. This commentary most likely has been exaggerated for sensationalism. WARNING!

"the Twilight sweethearts rendezvoused for her 20th birthday on April 9 in Budapest, where he's filming the period drama Bel Ami, then traveled together to London, arriving holding hands — until they
saw waiting photographers! Then "they parted like the Red Sea," says an

After visiting Rob's parents in West London, it was on to a private hotel, where they holed up inside their room – and Rob could be heard playing his guitar and serenading Kristen.

“Their love is impossible to hide,” says an insider."


Cherie Currie's "Neon Angel"

I really really want to get this. Anyone else? Has anyone read it yet?? Thoughts? Apparently it has even more interesting stories than the movie.

3000th Post

I feel like just yesterday I posted my 2000th post!!!

In honour of my blog-obsession I am including an updated list of most visited/favoured posts.

In no particular order - some of my top visited posts:

-Everything Eclipse.

-Everything Remember ME.

-Everything Bel Ami.

-Everything for The Runaways.

-Everything New Moon dvd.

  • Eclipse Leaked Script vs Book vs Sets - My own analysis of the differences between the three items.

  • The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.

  • Evolution of Twilight Cast.

  • Rob Steals Kristen's Underwear for ebay.

  • Rob's Left Nipple Causes a Stir.

    -Ashley Greene's SoBE Body Paint Ad.

  • Robert Pattinson out with friends in London in March 2010.

  • Evolution of Robert Pattinson.

  • Directors of Twilight Saga and
  • Directors of Twilight

  • Directors of Twilight - My own break down of each director and my expectations and thoughts on them and the movie they are directing.

  • New Moon Sountrack Scene by Scene - Self explanatory I think.

  • Red Eyed Edward in Eclipse.

  • Bobby Long Quickie - A recap of Bobby Long's Vancouver Concert in September 2009.

  • Today's Filming Fight Training - Summary of Eclipse filming September 14, 2009 in Vancouver.

  • Today's Filming Battle Scene with Newborns - Summary of Eclipse filming September 15, 2009 in Vancouver.

  • Photos from this weeks set - Summary and Photos of filming for Eclipse in Vancouver the week of September 9, 2009.

  • Photos from Bella's House Today - Summary and Photos of filming for Eclipse in Vancouver at Bella's House October 7, 2009.

  • What Really went down under the bridge last night? - Photos and Summary Comparison of filming Eclipse August 21, 2009.

  • Props and Vehicles on Set - Photos and Analysis of the props and vehicles on set for Eclipse September 17, 2009 at Jacob Black's House.

  • First day of filming Eclipse - Set report and photos from the 1st location used for Eclipse in Vancouver.

  • Videos from Eclipse Set - Videos from the first week of filming Eclipse in Vancouver.

  • Good-Bye to Bella's House. - Photos of Bella's House being taken down after Eclipse Filming.

  • Forks Police Station Set - Summary and Photos from Eclipse filming at the "Forks" Police Station.

  • Tuesday's Set Report - A Summary of the set from October 7, 2009 featuring New born stuff along with some opening scenes of the movie.

  • Great Night to Meet Twilight Saga Cast - Encounter with Eclispe Cast.

  • Met Stephenie Meyer - My own fangirl ramblings about meeting the fabulous Ms Meyer.

  • Quickie 100 Monkeys at Backstage Lounge - Photos, Videos and More from one of the many 100 Monkeys Concerts I attended.

  • Jacob's Garage Set - Photos and Summary of fiming September 10, 2009 for Eclipse.

  • Eclipse Filming Graduation - Pix & Summary from Set.

    And a few of my own Favourite posts:

  • Seattle Twi Con Quickie - Summary and links to the awesomeness that was Seattle Twi Con.

  • My 2010 Predictions - Mostly silly predictions for the upcoming year.

  • Where to see Twilight Cast in 2010 - List of who is doing what this year.

  • Movies of 2010 - All the movies I am looking forward to this year.

  • Twilight vs Harry Potter - Exploring some conncetions between the two.

  • 2010 Twilight Moments to Look Forward to - Self Explanatory Again I think.

  • Wet Taylor - 'nuff said.

  • Blood Alley - History & Photos of Blood Alley, used to film scenes with Victoria chasing Riley in Eclipse.

  • Superstar Cycle of Photos - My discussion on Paparazzi.

  • Special FX in New Moon - Interview, Photos and details.

  • My 1st 100 Monkeys Concert - From April 2009.

  • Jackson is a hottie - Rawr - Photos with his pony.

  • Sam Bradley Stuff - From September 2009.

    There are many more but I will stop there. Feel free to search or browse back in time at past posts and comment. Also my sidebar has some links to great posts which include all posts about any given topic. Also, if you aren't Following this blog, please do..... Just Click "Follow" on the side bar!

    Here's to 3000 more posts!!

    Thanks for reading!

  • Madrid Press Slams Taylor Lautner and his entourage

    Madrid Spain fans were treated to an event on April 10th that included a VIP party with Taylor Lautner. According to some fans this was a disaster. This disaster is making the big time press in Madrid, Spain.

    The Madrid Newspaper covered the story: (translated by krazi4TwiSaga)

    Taylor came to Madrid to be the face of LG/Orange, but his security from America denied photographers and Cameras to video and tape him. And in the end they abandoned the event.

    A fan from the event had this to say about her personal experience with Taylor & his workers:

    I was there and every word is true..Basically Prince Taylor didn't fulfill his part of the contract...Left with a word and with out taking pics with the VIPS.. try´n to blame his security, but they work for him and do what he says ppl!!!

    I hope fans didn't all have a bad time! We would love to hear you thoughts if you were there at the event in question.


    Twilight Tattoos..... How much is too much?

    I*'ve posted Twilight Tattoos before..... some are super coool.... and I won't judge but I will say for me, this is too much.

    I have said I'd never get a Twilight tattoo, though I love tattoos and I think I actually COULD at some point have something Twilighty within a tattoo (ie - an apple within another tattoo I get - something small, not obviously twilight, meaningful to me)

    Anyways, this tattoo for me is too much not only if it's twilight but anything - I just wouldn't get that big of a tattoo PERSONALLY.....

    Can't think of a grand enough gesture to show your devotion to your favourite star? That’s not a problem for Cathy Ward.

    She is a huge fan of the Twilight movies – though you might have guessed that already. Mrs Ward decided to have a tattoo of the main stars of the hit Hollywood film on her back. And the 48-year-old is not done yet. She also wants the film’s lead star – the gorgeous Robert Pattinson who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the films – tattoed across her stomach.

    “It didn’t hurt that much – the main problem was sitting down for so long,” she said.

    Supermarket worker Mrs Ward wanted to give something back to the cast, who she said helped her lose weight.

    She went from a size 20 to 14 in a year and said her once-depleted self-esteem has now soared. Mrs Ward, who makes cakes in the bakery at Morrisons in Whitley, said: “Like Bella [Kristen Stewart in ] is at the beginning, I had no confidence. She is very clumsy and doesn’t think much of herself. Neither did I. But she progresses over the course of the first and second film and books and I have, too.”

    Although husband Colin is not a fan of her tattoo, Mrs Ward has no regrets about her body art. She had the tattoo done in No Limits in Oxford Road, West Reading, at the end of March. It was completed in one sitting, lasting four-and-a-half hours, and cost £500.

    She continued: “I won’t mind when I am 80. I like getting tattoos. This is me.”

    Mrs Ward became a fan of the Twilight series in December 2008. The first part tells the story of a small-town girl falling in love with a vampire. In the second installment, Bella finds herself caught in a love triangle with Edward and her best friend Jacob – a werewolf, played by Taylor Lautner. But Mrs Ward of Waldeck Street, Katesgrove, is a sworn Team Edward fan.

    She said: “The book and films are so well done.

    “Robert Pattinson is fantastic. He makes such a convincing Edward and is perfectly cast. He is great in other films too – so intense.”

    Mrs Ward’s Morrisons’ workmate Sharon Wicks, 38, of Brayford Road, Whitley, said she loved the tattoo.

    She said: “She’s a massive Twilight fan and is firmly Team Edward. It looks great.”

    Here's another fan inspired tattoo:

    Reader of USA Today, Caroline, sent in her photo of her Twilight inspired tattoo for USA Today's "pop-culture tattoo Tuesday".
    Caroline says: “It’s my favorite quote (from Edward in Eclipse), in Edward’s handwriting. Next to it is the cover picture from the first book in the series.”

    And in case you're taking note, you can find the quote on pg. 95 in Eclipse


    Nikki Reed no longer involved with K-11

    Some have emailed me asking about this news.... I don't know!!! I thought she was involved, and I can't say she isn't now for any reason.... some speculate that her and Kristen had a falling out over Rob, and while it is possible, I wouldn't bet that is the reason.

    New Moon Kristen & Nikki hung out a lot.... Eclipse, they didn't.

    During Eclipse Paris, Nikki's boyfriend, was around and Nikki was seen hangingout with Liz Reaser most of the time.

    Nikki mentioned she had quit smoking and was working out more and hanging out with Elizabeth during Eclipse. Perhaps her healthier lifestyle was why she didn't hang out with Kristen and Rob and other smokers during filming, perhaps it was a Rob/Kristen hook up leaving Nikki out - I have no idea....

    I only know the facts which are:

    -Nikki is no longer doing K-11
    -Rob & Kristen seem to be "together"\
    -Nikki hung out with Liz during Eclipse most, compared to Kristen during New Moon.

    Think what you will ;)

    "Much Ado About Nothing" with Nikki Reed

    Last night, Nikki Reed attended and participated in the Simply Shakespeare reading of "Much Ado About Nothing", by the Shakespeare Center in LA. She played the part of Hero, joined on stage by fellow actors Martin Sheen, Julia Roberts, Ewan McGregor, Helen Hunt, Keanu Reeves, and many more!

    [Via Twilightish]

    Shirtless Cam Gigandet on vacation

    Twilight star Cam Gigandet goes shirtless while vacationing with his longtime girlfriend Dominique Geisendorff in Mexico on Saturday (April 10).


    Anna Kendrick with Boyfriend Edgar Wright in Vancouver

    It was a beautiful weekend in Vancouver and Anna Kendrick spent it with her boyfriend Edgar Wright.

    Lainey Gossip writes:

    As I reported several months ago, Anna and Edgar have been dating since filming Scott Pilgrim Vs The World in Toronto. She has great taste. He of course is tight with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, directed them in Shaun of the Dead and Hott Fuzz, which he also co-wrote. And if you haven’t seen either, go to the video store RIGHT NOW. Shit just got real.
    Anna is in town still working with Seth Rogen and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Scott Pilgrim is due out August 13, 2010 featuring Michael Cera in the title role who loves his girl so hard he’s willing to battle her “7 evil exes”. Awesome right? Anna plays Scott’s sister. The trailer looks great.

    [Source: Lainey Gossip Via TwiFans]

    Monday, April 12, 2010

    Craigslist posts for extras in a Robert Pattinson Film?

    I don't know how legit this is, it's friggin' CRAIGSLIST!!! AHAHAHAHHAHA - as IF a RPattz film would post on CL?!?!? Thoughts??


    Want to be in a Robert Pattinson movie?

    Want a chance to see "Twilight" hunk Edward Cullen in the flesh so to speak?

    Well here's your chance!

    The producers of Rob's new move "Water for Elephants" are looking for extras.

    Their casting call says they need the following:

    Caucasian Men with very 1930s looking period faces, size 46 coat or smaller.

    African American Men with short 1930s period haircuts. No shaved heads, size 46 coat or smaller.

    Caucasian Women with shoulder length hair or shorter, size 6 or smaller.

    No piercings, tattoos, no breast implants, no artificial nails, no highlighted or colored hair (natural looking color is okay.)

    Details here.

    Fan Photo with Robert pattinson in Budapest

    Fan Photo with Robert Pattinson. She reminds me of Kstew ha ha!


    Sunday, April 11, 2010

    Robert Pattinson leaves Budapest, with Kristen Stewart (his GIRLFRIEND) ok I said it!

    **See update at bottom of this post**

    If this is Kristen Stewart (ANd I think it looks like her) then I think there should be no one else believing they aren't together anymore.... there, happy Robsten's? Now let's leave them in their romantic bliss ;)

    ****Update**** Thanks Nina who sent this to me (though I was at the Black Eyed Peas Concert ha ha) Looks like there is no denying it now eh? (I mean no denying she was there with him, which at this point... c'mon?!? No other Twilight "friend" is flying around the world for NYE, filming, visits not to mention sharing clothes etc..... fine, fine, imma believer!! LoL I SAID IT - - - OUT LOUD!!! ;)

    JJJ posts:

    Robert Pattinson leads girlfriend Kristen Stewart into Budapest Airport with their entourage on Sunday night (April 11).

    Kristen, 20, who just recently celebrated her birthday, has been visiting Robert, 23, while he’s filming his new movie, Bel Ami in Hungary.

    Read more: Here.

    Bel Ami Filming Wraps

    Bel Ami filming has wrapped.

    Please go to

    Everything Bel Ami

    for all the set photos, videos and news surrounding the film.

    **New interviews and promotional details updated daily**

    Melissa Rosenberg comments on facebook about Breaking Dawn Script

    Melissa Rosenberg wrote on her facebook wall ab about Breaking Dawn film rating possibilities. What do you think?

    I want a bit of blood, child birth, you know, as long as the intent of action is shown and not skipped it will be ok, I don't expect a full on close up of Bella's tummy being torn open but you know... the jist. It will be as much the director as the script i think.

    New Moon Berlin DVD Release Party - Bryce, Chaske and Bronson

    New Moon Berlin DVD Release Party

    See more here.

    Bryce looks too skinny, can comeone PLEASE give her a cheese buger!?!? k-thanks