I enjoyed this routine, it was perfect for them really. They are both awesome. I loved their energy.
I love Sonya in all her strangeness. And I really like Melissa, maybe since she is older, I kind of respect that she is still going after it... Lil C calling Ade his fave was shocking, but isn't most of Lil C's remarks LOL.... I really enjoyed watching this routine.
Love Shane Sparks, Love this couple, but Jason EASILY stood out between the two and I feel she struggled to keep up.... we shall see...
OK I think Janette oversold the facial expressions, it was too "dancer" imo.... but her lifts and moves were off-the-hook, seriously... how does one bend that way, it was like a barbie whose lower half was twisted around backwards!!! Brandon I still love, LilC gave him some props which was shocking after auditions, and overall the routine was HELLA fast and entertaining.
Well, I am not a fan of Asuka and Vitolio is growing on me, but not fast enough, I think these 2 will go home this week (or at least Asuka) we shall see tonight... but this was just a pretty dance... I know I am a tad biased, I prefer the upbeat dances, and the slow ones have to have something really "special" about them to captivate me... this had a few nice turns and lines and the dress was beautiful... but other than that... meh!
I realllllly love Kayla, her outfit, her look, her moves, her power.... Max wasn't bad either, but I am still indifferent to him.... I think she will carry him and hopefully improve/stand-out before he is sent packing...
I really didn't care for these two much but I had no idea she was a member of the "Boogie Bots" who I love don ABDC and also their routine last night was good... i mean, Jonathan stopped smiling and had emotion, i loved the head rolls of her shoulder, it was nice.
I love Phillip and Jeanine has grown on me quickly, but this routine was .... not good... I am no expert of dance, and it was 3am and I was drunk, but I didnt' enjoy this very much, though Philips hip twists were fun to watch ;)
Another Shane Sparks, I was sad his two routines kinda fell short, not on him, but the dancers didn't nail them.... This routine could have easily taken the show, it was creative and could have been amazing HAD the dancers pulled it off, being a shadow means EXACT synch, and it was not there... I like them both, I don't think they have a huge following *yet* I hope they stick around long enough to get that...
What were your thoughts? Who is going home?
We shall see Tonight :)