The main unit has been in a spot that is on private property and therefore I was not able to go get photos of that set. [I only go to public places and I do not break any laws or trespass!!]
That being said - allow me to share with you my photos from Monday and Tuesday this week:
First up is the set-up of b-unit's set on Monday September 14.
Equipment for scuba guys and set-up
Hot Tub for between shoots to keep warm.
Trailers for the main unit. This is where we saw the cast go in after they wrapped.
It was exciting to see the fake trees going up, the dock being put in place, the underwater set up team and other props being put out in preparation for the b-unit shoot.
And now some photos from yesterday's B-Unit Shoot Tuesday September 15.
On the other side of the dock you can see vampire extras walking out of the water.
Crew hard at work on the dock
Great Shot of one of the vampires walking back into the water to prepare to shoot them exiting water (again)
It was amazing to see how many time they shot the same thing over and over and over, then re-set the camera angles and lights to re-shoot the same thing over and over again and again. Tedious and less glamourous than people think that's for sure.
Wider Shot of the Set
Adjusting the camera angles
I do not know if that girl is crew or cast....
Bree (played by Jodelle Ferland) along with her extra were in a green hat from what I could tell. I do not know if this is her, an extra or simply someone else.
I have a very basic camera so it was very blurry as I didn't want to use flash or walk up there to the set and interfere with the filming.
Vampires preparing to re-shoot. You can see Riley (played by Xavier Samuel) standing in a brown hoodie getting his make-up re-touched.
Vampires re-setting to be filmed walking out of the water.
I believe Riley is 2nd from the left, beside the bald vampire.
Here are a bunch more of the filming and re-setting of the same shot:
The vampires would simply go underwater once the camera was rolling then one by one emerge out of the water and walk slowly, menacingly towards to the shore. I love the darker angle David Slade is taking to this movie. I can't wait for Eclipse to come out... but I have to wait for New Moon first... which I can't wait for either :)
To read details about the shoot read yesterday's post here
I'll say it again. Your great. Your pics are fantastic and i dont care if u have super camera or not. Fact you find them and respectfully post them the way you do is very comendable. You got a new fan in me.
Thankx Sooo much, dear.
Thank you for sharing these photos!! I feel right in the action!
Exellent blog!!!!!! :)
Did the newborn in a coat with a hoodie look like Andrew Stehlin to you? If not, he's a dead ringer for the guy who played Arvin in 30 days of night. I right there with you on the David Slade <3!
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