Monday, December 7, 2009

Kissing Robert Pattinson leads to Swine Flu?

I saw this over at Twilight Lexicon:

It seems that a cardboard cutout of Robert Pattinson is giving health authorities cause for concern. Too many people kissing Rob vicariously might lead to swine flu. Digital Spy explains:

“Twilight fans have reportedly been banned from kissing a cardboard cutout of Robert Pattinson for fear that they may spread swine flu.

The Sunday Telegraph reports that employees have now placed a notice on the cutout which reads: “Please help reduce the spread of germs by refraining from giving Edward, or any other character for that matter, a kiss or a hug.”

Rob’s cutout is not the only one to cause problems. It seems that Taylor Lautner cutouts in Burger King restaurants are being hoisted at an alarming rate. Several stores in the chain have had to replace their cutout multiple times.

See the entire explanation on Digital Spy.

Mandy's Mind - This cracks me up - I mean really? I would deffo pose with the cardboard for photos and, depending on the amount of alcohol in my system, maybe get a tad close, but kissing it? and these people are worried about SWINE FLU? I think there are OTHER things to be worried about ;)