There is a new awning above the front steps also.

Obviously today's scene takes place in the Fall... but what scene?
**edit - yes Eclipse is graduation which is the Spring/Summer... could it be a Dream Sequence? I know they have done a lot of those.... hmmm....
after *JUST* reading the New moon Movie Companion Guide I am all confused on my stories.... (the seasons change outside Bella's house to show passing of time during her depression without Edward in New Moon) but this is Eclipse soooo...
What scene do you think it is?
I do wonder WHO plants flowers and puts up awnings and pumpkins? Charlie is busy all the time and Bella is, well, preoccupied with her men... ha ha ha... yet their home is always up-to-date with the seasons and holidays neccessities LOL
Read Today's Entire Set Report Here
Tonight's Overnight Shoot will be included in tomorrow's set report as I am headed to bed and they aren't going to be wrapping for a few hours.
I will say there are different units on compeltely different schedules and I think it will be a hectic few days for people wanting to "find" or "go to" sets.
I'm confused about this, too! Hmmmm...
i thought eclipse took place during the spring and summer. Cuz everyone graduates. Right? just my guess.
maybe Alice did all the decorations
maybe it's a dream/vision scene? because I also don't get why David was twitting about Billy looking good in 70-80yr old make-up...
maybe this has to do with Bella picturing what her life would have been if she married Jacob and had kids and aged or smth...otherwise it doesn't make sense...Bella is changed in September the 12th, 1 day before her 19th Bday...IN BD...
Purple83 sounds right... if Taylor and Kristen were on set and it was Autumn... you may be correct :)
I agree with you Purple83, I think it is a dream sequence. After david tweeted that he deleated it but i saw it on ROBNEWS. I think he realized he gave too much away. Bella and Jake dream sequence. How else do you explaine the pumkins on the porch and the flowers.
I agree Purple because David deleated that tweet as soon as it went up. Thinking he gave too much away. Def. Bella and Jake dream sequence, how else to justify the flowers and the pumkins on the porch and it looks like it could be October or November.
alice attacked the house too ;)
RE Davids tweet about billy in 70/80 yr old make up... he later tweeted to say to disregard that comment as it was a joke intended for billy. Just so you know!! ;)
I think it's a dream sequence again. From what I saw ;-) Bella has sereral flashes of what life would be like with Jacob 1 when she has a baby, 2 when she is about thirty and the kids are grown up and then this one is supposed to be when she is a grandparent, though not sure why they still live in Charlie's house, but whatever!
where is the adress of the bella's house set? i can't find it...
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